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“People ask me why I created this cabaret. It all started when I was just a freshman in college who found herself within the dazzling lights of New York’s very own Broadway scene. Being able to immerse myself within the Broadway shows I watched made me become more interested in the theater industry; I began noticing which actors and actresses were my favorite and was intrigued by the lives they led beyond the stage itself. Thus when I found out that many of these actors and actresses had their own solo shows outside of their work on Broadway, I immediately bought a ticket for my first-ever cabaret show: Tony Nominee Jarrod Spector’s ‘Jukebox Life’ at cabaret and restaurant, Feinstein’s/54 Below, located in the heart of the theatre district in New York City. 



I love the idea of being able to tell stories through music, so watching Spector not only singing songs but bringing the audience along his journey to becoming an actor was so fascinating. From being a child actor on stage to his Broadway Debut, meeting his wife, and receiving his first Tony nomination, the way he told his story through songs made me feel like I knew him even though I had never really met him in person. Being able to connect with him through music on a one-on-one level even made me feel a sense of pride for his accomplishments, almost as if I were his friend. 


For years I wondered if I could ever pull off a show like Spector’s. However, being back in Taiwan for the first time in months made me consider the possibility of recreating something similar and bringing a taste of New York back home.  Thus, I crafted a Broadway Musical themed cabaret show featuring many talented artists that also came back from New York to share our stories with you! I hope you all leave the show with the same feeling I fell in love with during my first cabaret.



「大家問我為什麼要做這個cabaret的製作。這一切起始於我剛進大學時,發現自己身處在紐約百老匯獨有絢爛的燈光下,並且讓自己經常沉浸在欣賞百老匯演出中,於是這使得我對於戲劇越來越感興趣。我開始關注我最愛的演員,並為他們台上台下呈現出的生命力所深深吸引。因此,當我發現其中許多演員在百老匯之外還有個人SOLO表演時,我立馬買了我的第一場 Cabaret 的票:曾獲東尼獎提名的 Jarrod Spector 的《Jukebox Life》,位於紐約市劇院區的中心的 Feinstein’s/54 Below。

我很喜歡透過音樂來說故事這個概念。在欣賞 Spector 時,他不只是唱歌,更用他的故事帶領著觀眾,分享他如何成為一名演員,這一切真是令人著迷!從初上舞台的童星到百老匯的首次亮相、與妻子相遇、以及初次榮獲東尼獎的提名,他透過歌曲來講述人生故事的方式,即使我未曾見過他,卻讓我覺得對他有種分外熟悉的感覺。透過音樂緊密的交流,讓我就像他的朋友般,為他的成就感到驕傲無比。 

這幾年我一直在想是否可以有一場像 Spector 這樣的演出。這次回到台灣待了好幾個月,讓我開始思考如何製作類似的演出,並把紐約的感覺帶回家鄉的可能性。因此,我精心策劃了百老匯音樂主題的 Cabaret,其中有許多才華橫溢,也是從紐約回來的藝術家,將與您一起分享我們的故事!我希望您在看完演出後,也能感受到我當初在第一場 Cabaret 後那個深深愛上的滋味。」

Written on April 14, 2021. 

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